As we receive heartwarming messages from time to time, implementing this new page where fans could either share their Core Design story (what Core game they got to play first, how they discovered the company, ...) or simply write to Core members (thank you messages, addressing a message to a particular Core member, ...) felt like a good idea.
So this place is for you, Core fans from all around the world, where all your personal Core Design story or messages directed to Core Design will be displayed.
You can send us your messages
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✉ Dedicated to Core Design, received the 7 August 2021:
Hello, Core Design. Sorry for my bad English language, I'm from Spain and I use the translator. I don't know if you will read this message because this is the first time I try to contact you.
When I was seven years old I met "Tomb Raider" for the first time. Since then it has become my treasure and my obsession. I am now twenty-eight years old and I still love the saga. For me Core Design is the only creator of "Lara Croft". I like the new games but as standalone games and not "Tomb Raider" even if they have the same name.
My favourite game is "Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness". A game that was so unjustifiably criticised and hated by many people. I understand that you were under a lot of pressure to get that game out and you couldn't finish it the way you wanted to. It's still a beautiful game, it has a wonderful plot, a beautiful script and I loved the creation of Kurtis.
I was very sad to learn that it was going to be a trilogy and that it was never going to see the light of day. Nowadays I am still sad and I feel very angry about all the insults you have received.
I can say that "Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, Lara Croft and Kurtis" is what I have loved the most in the world of videogames. Every day I search the internet for information about this game in the hope that there will be a remake and that the trilogy will continue, but it will not. I'll live with that hope anyway....
I wish I had the know-how to create this remake myself and continue the trilogy with the same established script and the Core Design label, but unfortunately I can't do it.
I thought that Core Design could recreate that game and continue to spend the necessary time but changing the name of "Tomb Raider" and "Lara Croft" because I think it doesn't belong to you anymore but I'm not very well informed about this.
Unfortunately I have to give up my fantasy and be realistic because it is a dream that will not come true. So I can only thank you for this wonderful creation... I love "Tomb Raider", "Lara Croft", "Kurtis" and "Core Design".
If you ever read this I hope you like these words.
María del Mar Castellanos.
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✉ Dedicated to Core Design, received the 25 March 2020:
Hi, Core Design :)
Im here to share my history with Tomb Raider games. ( Im argentinian so sorry for my english)
Well...Everything starts back in 2012 i was six years old and my uncle gave a Play Station to my brother and me. There was a lot of games, at that moment i didn't liked games so much but that changed when i see a box, in it was a beautiful woman with two pistols, a braid and a light blue top, that was Tomb Raider 3 i don't know why i got so excited about this box but i still remember saying to my dad: Wooow! Can we try this one? And there it was the level of India in that moment i became very obsessed with the game i played it every morning. Then i discovered that there was other Tomb Raider games i still remember yelling to my dad to please download Tomb Raider Chronicles. Tomb Raider always helped me in my most difficult moments like when my father suicide Tomb Raider 3 reminds me of him, all those mornings trying to pass the Area51 level. Today, im a fan of Tomb Raider i love EVERY single game Tomb Raider 4 is my very favorite i even like the Java games of Tomb Raider. I also have a little collection, two Play Station 2 games a figurine and a book.
Thank you Lara Croft you will be forever in my heart.
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✉ Dedicated to Core Design, received the 19 March 2020:
this message is for all the creators of the orginal Tomb Raider videogame. Please excuse any grammar errors, as I'm not a native english speaker.
I don't know if this message will reach its addressees, especially since they might not work for Core anymore, but I'll give it a try.
I just played Tomb Raider once more (the original one), and I love that game so much that I thought I could try to tell you just that.
I'm a French guy, born in 1981, and I was introduced to videogames with the Nintendo Intertainment System. I was approximatively 15 years old when I first played Tomb Raider – on Sega Saturn, on wich was an incomplete version with bugs, then on the Sony Playstation.
You already know what importance your game had in the history of videogames, and you probably received countless congratulations and thanks from all over the world. And yet I feel like adding mine ; after all it's important to thank the people who did a good to you.
And, oh boy, did you did me good.
I love how the light sourcing is still very impressive after all those years, especially under water where it's simply beautiful.
I love the feeling of loneliness you managed to give to us players, while travelling through those ancient, forgotten ruins.
I love the feeling of holyness that those ruins bear.
I love the sound design, so sober, so immersive, so unparrallelled. The sound of Lara's footsteps in places not seen by anyone since centuries...
I love Lara, because she's a strong, intelligent, and brave female character. Samus' gender was concealed until the end of the game so that boys wouldn't be scared away by playing a girl, but you, you dared. Yes, you gave her a questionnable large breast, but hey, we've seen so, so much worse since...
I love the brilliant game design, the architecture of the levels. You managed to guide the player and at the same time offer him/her a true feeling of liberty, inviting to exploration. You can bet that by the end of 1996, not a single platform remained unchecked.
I love the inventiveness and intelligence with which you circumvented the technical limits of hardware (as far as I can tell, I'm no pro in that field).
I love that here in France Lara's voice is acted by the breathtaking Françoise Cadol. I cannot play Lara without her voice.
I can't really express how grateful I am to all of you who gave us this amazing piece of art. I'll probably play it again several times, through my whole life.
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all.
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✉ Dedicated to Core Design, received the 16 March 2018:
Hello, dear Core Design I just wanted to say how much I appreciated the old games they are indescribable!
I wish that you guys never left Tomb Raider :(
Eidos was just too stupid to realize that they made a big mistake by kicking you out! I love the classic Tomb Raider games one of my favorites is actually:
Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness. It has some bugs and texture glitches but it's a great game! I love the idea of world-famous archeologist Lara Croft framed for murder and completing a mission from a dead friend. It gives the game such a Dark Atmosphere and gives players another look of not just going out for an Adventure for no reason but this game is different Lara completes a mission for Werner von Croy. And I can't believe Eidos! Now the Tomb Raider games are so boring that I don't even want to know what the next game is going to be since everything is the same! And I am not the only one who thinks like that! Many people miss the original Tomb Raider franchize whit great puzzle solving and a strong badass Woman named Lara Croft who is our main character in the game and I wish that they will one day change their mind and give you Core-Design another chance! Because I would be happy if the original fun games were back and I would do anything for it! I would even give up on any other games I enjoyed and liked to play just for another game of Core design!
Thank you for taking your time reading this.
Greetings from: Jason Kilich
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✉ Dedicated to Core Design, received the 9 January 2018:
Dear Core Design,
{For dramatic purposes. Please pretend this email is tear stained.}
I write to you today from my small home in New Brunswick Canada, but most importantly, I write to you with a heavy heart. I've found myself once again finishing Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness in its entirety, and I'm once again faced with the soul crushing reality that there will be no sequel and no mending for the wound left on my fragile heart. From such a huge cliff hanger, the damage simply can not be reversed. The only mend strong enough for such a wound I fear would be the release of the much needed sequel and the ever so needed completion of Kurtis Trents story.
I've thought long and hard about Lara and Kurtis, many theory's, many hopes and dreams, bought every book I can for even the littlest bit more of information, but its simply not enough. I need the warmth and light that the angel of darkness brought me to keep me warm in these harsh Canadian winters. My tears have long frozen over while I wait for answers. Please, for all that is good and decent in the world, lay our sadness to rest and finally bestow on us the cure for eternal heart break. Finish our beloved series and lay our questions to rest. I'm so lost on what to do, I don't know what kind of goat im supposed to sacrifice, or what cult im supposed to give my soul to in order to make this dream a reality. Please lead the way for me, so I can make this dream a reality for all of us.
I hope my letter made your day a little brighter and thank you for taking the time to listen to my thoughts and ramblings! Have a wonderful day/night!
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✉ Dedicated to Core Design, received the 11 May 2016:
Hi, Core Design! :)
Es ist mir eine Ehre, Ihnen schreiben zu dürfen und mir tut es sehr leid, dass ich Ihnen nicht auf Englisch schreiben
Ich beherrsche die englische Sprache leider nicht gut genug, um eine gute englische E-Mail schreiben zu können.
Ich bin beeindruckt von Ihrer Arbeit!
Tomb Raider 1 bis 5 sind meine Absoluten Lieblings Spiele! :)
Mich faszinieren die verschiedenen Grafiken, Sounds und Atmosphären, die Sie für die Spiele angewandt haben,
wirklich sehr.
Die einzelnen Geschichten sind auch sehr faszinierend.
Doch was ich besonders interessant finde, sind die FMV's der ersten fünf Tomb Raider Spiele.
Ich mag den Style von Lara in den FMV's wirklich sehr.
Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie auf Ihrer Seite noch viel mehr solcher Bilder veröffentlichen könnten, die die
Arbeit an den FMV's von damals, noch genauer zeigen :) So wie hier : Bitte, noch viel mehr Solcher Bilder :D Sie sind sehr interessant
!! ^^
Leider sind die vorhandenen Bilder bei Tomb Raider 4 sehr niedrig auflösend :
Es wäre mir eine große Freude wenn Sie auch für Tomb Raider Die Chronik, solche Bilder : Veröffentlichen könnten :)
Ich habe natürlich vollstes Verständnis, wenn Sie das nicht wollen oder können.
Ich wäre einfach nur glücklich, wenn Sie überhaupt dazu kommen sollten, diese Nachricht zu lesen.
Danke für Ihre Zeit! :D
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Daniel Jan Cazacu
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✉ Dedicated to Core Design, received the 25 December 2015:
Dear core design
I have been a huge fan of tomb raider for a long time now. Recently I just bought Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness again, to remember good times and memories. I remember giving this game away and I deeply regretted it afterwards. Playing it again it most definetly my favourite Tomb Raider. I know it had flaws and whatnot but the fact that the team tried something different and changed the pace is something I wish game developers did more.
I just wanted to say your efforts were not in vain. I loved it. My question is..will we /ever/ see an angel of darkness sequel? Will Kurtis ever come back? He was a great character with great potential, I would hate to see him go. Though I feel these are hopeless questions I thought I would ask anyway and just to show my deep appreciation to your efforts in making such a great game.
Sincerely, a loyal fan.
Stella M.
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✉ Dedicated to Core Design, received the 29 April 2015:
"Hi, sort of a review test -
It was 1998, I had been on the road for 5, years say miraculously a house popped up ( flat ) in an area I knew.
Getting out to take a look over the place I stopped by the newsagents I knew before in there I
took a look through one of the mags in it I found that shot of Lara up tight back to the wall in
the dress she wore then I took a good long look realizing it was a new scene in comic world as it were.
However it was after another trek around various towns in England I fitted a computer in me world
this was 1999, and on discs I was assembling finds the last revelation, which amazed me the theme
I left playing for the house bed it was a knock out. Only I couldn't get that flamin wheel to release you.
So soon got bored love all the games I've played made the chronicles me favourite...
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✉ Dedicated to Simon Phipps, received the 12 December 2014:
"Hi Simon,
A lightbulb went off in my mind and I realised this is the best idea i've had so far.
The first game I remember ever playing in my life on a computer is Bubba n Stix. My mum and dad got me an Amiga in the 90s when I was 5 or 6.
I remember the game came with a hat, it was the coolest red hat ever. I've worn that hat none stop since I was bought the game and my oh my it's been through a lot.
Here a few pictures of it now in various magazine interviews i've done just to prove my love for that game ha!:
It's actually become something of a trademark in many ways. To this day that game will never leave my memory, and I didn't really think there'd be anyone to contact to tell this story to but there clearly is!
Anyway, thought i'd say thanks for that game. You're probably thinking, who the hell is this absolute weirdo…
Amiga still here in our garage, really wanna switch it on soon. A game i'll never forget!
All the best,
p.s if you have any bubba n stix merch, i'd happily take some. this hat is falling apart, could do with a new one!"