TR1 SFX Overhaul Project
by annl

download TR1 SFX Overhaul Project v1.02
89.7 Mb

download the v1.02 update
(if you downloaded a previous version)
3.06 Mb

download TombATI
on the official Glidos website

annl replaced various sound effects in TR1 with ones from TR3. This project is based off the TR3 footstep sounds for TR1 mod he made previously.
The levels include the Last Secret Patch preinstalled as well as music triggers for TR Gold.

The download also contains a 100% Complete Save File for TombATI that lets you start Caves with All Weapons and Unlimited Ammo) as well as all the folders and sounds he used to create the mod.

Update (16 April 2017): Updated to v1.02.

- Fixed missing grab sound effect in Temple of the Cat.

Update (12 April 2017): Updated to v1.01.

- Fixes sound that occurs when the columns are raised in the spike room in Palace Midas as well as the same sound in City of Khamoon. The sound was supposed to sound like a quake but instead sounded like a click. I have reverted it back to the original sound.

Just download the updated level files and replace them. Your save won't be affected.

Sounds changed include:
Lara sounds:
- Running
- Rolling
- Swimming
- Grabbing
- Pistol Sounds
- Shotgun Sounds
- Magnum Sounds
- Uzi Sounds
- Gunfire Ricochet

And other sounds like:
- Inventory Sounds
- Switches
- Traps
- Broken Tiles
- Blocks
- Fire
- Explosions

Sounds that haven't changed are: Sounds that include Lara's Voice (ie. pulling up, pushing block grunts, etc.) / Enemies (realistic enough and hard to replace) / Cutscenes (too hard) / Any other voices (impossible) / The breaststroke (main swimming) sound (it doesn't sound right when replaced) / Sliding Sound (sounds awkward when added) / Door Sound / Key Sounds.

IMPORTANT! Removed Sounds (the game would crash due to file size otherwise):
- Several Sounds from The Great Pyramid, these include the Lava Sound, Lightning Sound, Natla sounds and the Torse Boss death scream, The Great Pyramid is a nightmare to mod and he had to sacrifice/remove (or silence) about 6 or 7 sounds to get it to work.
- The water ambience noise (which only plays for a few seconds and stops anyway).
- Also a few sounds in three of the Gold levels but not any that should be obvious.

The List of Levels Affected by Removed Sounds: Tomb of Tihocan / Natla's Mines / The Great Pyramid / Return to Egypt / The Atlantian Stronghold / The Hive.

How to install:
Just backup your original level data files and replace the originals with the new ones.

Tools used:
SAMPLER by b122251
Sound Jack by Stefan Schneider

Sounds Used:
TR3 Sounds by Core Design
Barefoot Sounds by xX_Alexis_girl_Xx (Downloads here and here)