Tomb Editor
by MontyTRC (*)

(screenshot taken from an anterior version)

Download Tomb Editor version 1.7.4

(*) Additional credits: Lwmte, XProger, Stohrendorf, Titak, leveldesigner1, TRTombLevBauer, Gancian, Gemini, Gh0stBlade, Monsieur Z, Teslarus, Banderi, teme9.

Tomb Editor is an unofficial level editor for Tomb Raider 4 custom levels. It is a modern replacement for the RoomEdit level editor from Core Design, also known as "TRLE", which was released to the public in 2000 with Tomb Raider Chronicles and was the original in-house tool used by the development team to produce levels for Tomb Raider 4. Unlike RoomEdit, which dates back to 1999 and Windows 98 era, TombEditor is compatible with modern systems from Windows 7 to Windows 10, supports both 32-bit and 64-bit CPUs, takes advantage of modern GPUs capabilities through the use of DirectX 10 and has a more standard user interface utilizing a spectrum of mouse controls. TombEditor allows for import of RoomEdit's PRJ project files and for use of WAD object files and TGA texture sets, but also introduces its own proprietary PRJ2 format for project files and WAD2 format for object files, which are aimed at lifting the limitations imposed by the original formats. All of the crucial, basic functionality for level editing was ported from RoomEdit, with some of it extended to new abilities, along with new, additional tools developed from scratch to aid the editing process.

Version 1.7.4 with TEN 1.7.1 update - 04/01/2025
Full list of changes available here and TombEngine 1.7 Preview video here.