Comments left about this poll:
Posted by
Emma Beal - January 13, 2017 at 5:51 am.
"It was years ago since I last played the last revelation all the way from start to finish cause when everytime a new game in the series came out I always used to play them after I completed the ones before it, so i can't remember exactly what i got from it all that time ago.But the reason I chose Alexandria is cause at the beginning of that level I loved the desert railroad train level,it was such a memorable moment and Alexandria is one of my favourite feelings in the entire game from what I remember.
Posted by
Sys - January 11, 2017 at 9:03 pm.
"This one is really a tie for me - I love Karnak & Alexandria equally. However I voted for Karnak because, first of all it was the point where I got -really- excited to play the game. It has some beautiful sceneries both indoors and outdoors, my favorite enemy that is the Guardian of Semerkhet (that part's so nostalgic!
, fun puzzles and so on. Desert Railroad is also one of the most memorable levels for me. Alexandria has a lot of same aspects that made me love the game, even more awesome puzzles (the planetarium one especially), beautiful tombs, fun traps and enemies, etc. One of my favorite games ever"
Posted by
pinaatti - January 11, 2017 at 2:09 am.
"The Last Revelation is my least favourite from CORE Design TR games, and it's been many years since I last played it. But the best memories I remember are from Karnak and that creative & funny train level there!!