Tomb Raider Live '99 (1999)
The Croft Times

The Tomb Raider Live '99 Event (AtollSoft) will happen soon in the Netherlands and Belgium. The target for this event will be to familiarise consumers with the latest version of Tomb Raider and its innovations.

To establish a suitable event, some items should be marked as anchor point in order to form a base from which the event will be developed. The following game representations will form that base.

a) adventure
b) Lara Croft
c) Egypt
d) Tombs
e) Interaction
f) Innovation
g) Mystique
h) Girl power
i) Fun

Consumer presentation:
The consumer presentation will take place in the restaurant where a clubby party will be held and a live version of Tomb Raider can be played and/or the game itself can be played on PlayStation consoles. The main objective is to impress, inform and entertain the crowd. There will be no presentation held like the afternoon sessions but by playing the live game or playing on the console, the public will familiarise themselves with the innovations, conscious or subconscious.

The party:
Music is an important factor in entertainment. This party will feature very talented female DJs. The screens will show Tomb Raider animations made by a professional vj. A number of Lara lookalike dancers will dance on Egyptian look props and they will arm themselves with laserguns to ensure visual exciting stuff.

Tomb Raider Live!
In the surrounding soutterain area a group of four people can enter the Tomb Raider Live game, hosted by Lara. The objective is to go through five levels, using a diary, a lamp and a compass; within five minutes per level or else: GAME OVER. Every player will get a rucksack like Lara has in the game filled with the items to use. In the levels the teams can pick up items to use for solving tasks. Beating a level means getting a prize and every level is harder to get through, so subsequently the prizes will get better as well. The presentation will end at 02:00 hrs AM.

Multimedia selection game:
The 300 available tickets will be divided into packages of 4 tickets. The reason for this number is the fact that most people feel most comfortable and therefore more into partying when they are in a group of at least four. Communication will take place through tv, print and internet. Magazines like Free, PC Zone and Pauze will advertise the event and the Dutch Croft Times website where they can get more information. On this website there are banners of every partner in the event and by visiting the sites you can pick up code parts. These code parts have to be filled in to enter the knowledge quiz. If you know enough about Tomb Raider and Lara Croft and therefore have answered correctly you have a chance of winning the four tickets. Of course after filling in personalia and sending the info. The location of the party will not be mentioned: it has to be a secret, both for security reasons (party crashers) and suspense boost. The winners will get four tickets for a touringcar leaving from Brussels, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam or Utrecht taking them to and from the event.